Helping crops fight off smoke, rain and too much sun

Helping crops fight off smoke, rain and too much sun

As the country sees the headlines of the effects of the California wildfires—not only potentially burning crops, but the after effects of smoke and ash on the state’s crops—it raises the question: could more be done to protect agriculture from major weather events?

One Las Vegas, NV-based agriculture technology company is continuing to work on how its biofilms can be applied to protect specialty crops particularly. In 2012, Cultiva LLC licensed a biofilm technology developed by Oregon State University which had physical and biochemical properties to enhance a plant’s cuticular membrane. It was different than existing protection products in the marketplace such as hydrophobic wax-based options or antitranspirant treatments. At that time, most of the research from the university had been done around cherries and mitigating cracking from rain.

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